Technology Evangelist Dr Sue Black OBE to receive honorary doctorate at Canterbury graduation
18 June 2018

Dr Sue Black OBE will receive her honorary doctor of science degree, in recognition of her 'inspirational championing of women in computing and science and campaign to preserve and save Bletchley Park' at a ceremony at Canterbury Cathedral on 16 July, when students from the School of Computing in Canterbury will be graduating.
A Technology Evangelist and Digital Skills Expert, Sue was awarded an OBE for "services to technology" in the 2016 Queen's New Year's Honours list. She is now a UK government advisor, thought leader, Honorary Professor of Computer Science at UCL, social entrepreneur, writer and public speaker. Her current social enterprise #techmums is changing lives. #techmums teaches mums tech skills and builds their confidence encouraging them into education, entreprenership and employment. Sue now has 4 children and has recently become a grandmother.
Dr Sue Black left home and school at 16, married at 20 and had 3 children by the age of 23. A single parent at 25 she went to university, gained a degree in computing then a PhD in software engineering. She set up the UK's first online network for women in tech BCSWomen and led the campaign to save Bletchley Park.
Sue's first book Saving Bletchley Park details the social media campaign she led to save Bletchley Park from 2008-2011, it has been an Amazon UK bestseller.
As an encouragement to our graduating students Sue said: ‘Don't wait for opportunity to come to you, get out there and find it! Thanks 🙏 and see you next month 😍👍🏽‘