'Above and beyond' award for Janet Carter
26 April 2018

Janet Carter has been presented with a student-nominated award for her commitment to students in the School of Computing. Janet holds multiple roles including Senior Lecturer, Director of Undergraduate Studies and Senior Tutor.
She was surprised with the award at the end of a Staff Student Liaison Committee meeting by student rep Kozhin Fatah, who read out a citation on behalf of the students in the School:
‘You have been awarded for going "above and beyond" expectations in your role. Students have told us how much they appreciate the work you do and so we, Kent Union, wanted to pass on this thanks!
Students have told us:
‘We would like to recognise Janet Carter for always having the students' interest at heart. She always makes time for her students and goes out of her way to help in any way she can. If any issues are raised with Janet she takes effective and immediate action to help support the students. Thank you for all your support.’
The awards are organised by Kent Union, who received nominations for 143 members of staff across the University for excellent teaching and going ‘above and beyond’.