Wellbeing festivals
14 March 2018

Wellbeing Festivals will take place at both Canterbury and Medway campuses. The events are organised by Student Support and Wellbeing who encourage students and staff to ‘enrich your life and try something new for free!’
Details of the events will be published on @unikentssw on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
In addition, staff and students from the School of Computing at Canterbury have the opportunity to meet Monty, a canine companion.
Medway – Tuesday 20 March 2018
The Wellbeing Festival runs from between 12.00-15.00 in the Student Hub and Drill Hall Library. Discover a variety of fun and practical ways to improve your wellbeing.
Internal departments and external organisations will take part in the day, including mental health and charity stands, Drill Hall library wellbeing, GK Union, mindful colouring, Medway Activities, Medway Park leisure centre and healthy snacks.
Canterbury – Friday 23 March 2018
Monty is a canine companion who would love to meet you. He will be on The Shed veranda from 10.00-12.00. Staff and students welcome (but no cats please!).
The main festival will be in Eliot Dining Hall between 12.00-15.00. There is an exciting line up, such as Espression Arts café, yoga sessions, a bush craft workshop, poetry therapy, mindful colouring, various mental health and charity stands, representatives from the LGBT network, the Chaplaincy, the Sports Centre and Kent Union, refreshments and live music.