Kent student IT consultancy to offer cyber security advice to local firms
26 September 2017

Organisations across Kent will be able to receive help and support dealing with cyber security threats thanks to a new offering from the Kent IT Consultancy (KITC), based within the School of Computing at the University of Kent.
The KITC brings together final-year and postgraduate students at the University’s Canterbury and Medway campuses and is designed to provide the opportunity to work with real-world business clients on various IT-related challenges they face as IT consultants.
Now, in response to the ever-increasing cyber security threats faced by businesses of all types, such as ransomware, malware, viruses and botnets, the KITC will offer a dedicated ‘Cyber Essentials Preparation’ service that considers how firms can improve their security protection.
This will be based on the government’s Cyber Essentials guidance that focuses on five key security areas: Patch Management, Malware Protection, Secure Configuration, Firewalls and Internet Gateways and Access Control.
The KITC is also launching a new Mobile Application Prototyping service, which will involve students helping businesses to assess, plan and design mobile applications, as well as looking at the marketing opportunities around any application that is developed.
Businesses interested in these services, or any of the other areas in which KITC can help, are invited to get in touch by email:
Formed in 2004, KITC charges a minimal fee for its services and previous clients include the Ashford Pirates Canoe Club, GoMunkee and the Sandwich Guildhall Museum.