Students awarded prizes for groundbreaking projects
20 July 2017

Students from the School of Computing were awarded prizes for outstanding achievements at their graduation ceremony at Rochester Cathedral.
Project Prizes were awarded to Martins Irbe and Eunan Camilleri for the project Controlling a Drone with an EEG Headset and James Morrison for Nowcasting River Levels Using Artificial Neural Networks.
The drone project created an application to allow a drone to be controlled by brain signals. The project successfully achieved its goal and it went beyond the original scope, creating a flexible solution that allows one to control multiple devices using different input controllers.
James’ project aimed to create forecasting models to predict future river levels based on rainfall and river level data. This project dealt with an important real-world problem and successfully created predictive forecasting models predicting river levels from +1 hour to +12 hours in the future.
James was also awarded the School of Computing Prize for Outstanding Performance in Examinations and the Rotary Prize for Distinguished Performance in the Stage 3 examinations.