School sponsors object-oriented programming conference
17 October 2014

The School of Computing sponsored the European Conference on Object Oriented Programming (ECOOP), held in Uppsala, Sweden, in July/August 2014. The School has a long history of Object Oriented Programming and was one of the first UK universities to introduce the Java programming language as a teaching tool.
ECOOP is the premier European (arguably the world leading) conference on all aspects of object oriented programming. It is also the venue for the award of the Dahl-Nygaard Prizes, named after Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard in honour of their pioneering work on object-orientation. The other high profile sponsors of the conference included Spotify, Google, Oracle, Samsung and IBM research.
Professor Richard Jones was the Chair of the ECOOP’14 Programme Committee which met in the School of Computing in February; the School also hosted a small workshop immediately prior to the Programme Committee meeting.