These specifications include, among other things, specific requirements for family and size of fonts, as well as specific line and page layout requirements. These requirements will be satisfied using the tools LaTeX2e and BibTeX and the ACM conference style files. Of the two style files supplied there, most authors prefer sig-alternate.cls.
In addition to the LaTeX2e style files mentioned above, the style file acmconf.sty is provided as a courtesy to those authors who may only have access to LaTeX 2.09, as an alternative means to check the final appearance of your paper. Please note that using LaTeX 2.09 with acmconf.sty may produce different results than using LaTeX2e with acmconf.cls and so slight variations in length, line breaking, page count, and so on may appear in the final version.
It is of particular importance that space is reserved in the lower left corner of the first column on the first page for ACM to fill in the copyright information. The style files mentioned above handle this requirement automatically.
Please note that in fairness to all authors, a strict page limit of twelve (12) pages per paper, excluding bibliography and well-marked appendices, will be enforced for regular papers.
The limit for short papers is six (6) pages. I've already given one dispensation saying that the short paper limit may exclude bibliography, so let's make that a general rule.
Until recently, the page limit above said 12 pages including bibliography. I've updated it to respect the official Call for Papers. Sorry again!