This list
is not complete. It will continue to
grow as work progresses.
Arnow D, Barshay O, Online Programming Examinations using WebToTeach,
Proceedings of ITiCSE’99, pp21-24 Krakow, 1999
Ashworth P, Bannister P, and Thorne P, Guilty in whose eyes?
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Bull J, A glimpse of the future in Computer-Assisted Assessment in
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Burstein J, Leacock C, Swartz R, Automated Evaluation of Essays and
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Byrnes R, The development of a multiple-choice and true-false
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Carbone A, Developing and integrating a Web-based quiz generator
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Carpenter DD, Harding TS, Montgomery SM and Steneck N, P.A.C.E.S – A
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Christie J.R, Automated Essay Marking for both Style and Content,
Proceedings of 3rd Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough 1999
Clariana R, and Wallace P, Paper-based versus computer-based
assessment: key factors associated with the test mode effect, British
Journal of Educational Technology, 33 pp593-602, 2002
Cook J, Leatherwood C, Oriogun P, Online Conferencing with
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Cox K, and Clark D, The use of formative quizzes for deep learning,
Computers and Education, 30 pp157-167, 1998
Culwin F, Web Hosted Assessment: Possibilities and Policy,
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Southbank University, London, Commissioned by JISC, 2001
Daly, C, RoboProf and an
Introductory Programming Course, in Proceedings of ITiCSE’99, Krakow, 1999
Daly C, Waldron J, Introductory Programming, Problem Solving and
Computer Assisted Assessment, Proceedings of 6th Annual CAA
Conference, Loughborough 2002
Dalziel J, Gazzard S, Next generation computer assisted assessment
software: the design and implementation of WebMCQ, Proceedings of 3rd
Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough 1999
Davies P, Computer Aided Assessment MUST be more than
multiple-choice tests for it to be academically credible? Proceedings of 5th
Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough 2001
Davis H, Carr L, Cooke E, White S, Managing Diversity: Experiences
Teaching Programming Principles in Proceedings of 2nd Annual
LTSN-ICS Conference, London, 2001
Dick M, Sheard J, Bareiss C, Carter J, Harding T, Laxer C, Addressing Student Cheating: Definitions and
Solutions ITiCSE’02 working group report, 2002
Diekhoff GM, LaBeff EE, Clark RE, Williams LE, Francis B, and Haines
VJ, College cheating: ten years later, Research in Higher Education, 37,
pp487-502, 1996
Duke-Williams E, King T, Using Computer-Aided Assessment to Test
Higher Level Learning Outcomes, Proceedings of 5th Annual CAA
Conference, Loughborough, 2001
English J, Siviter P, Experience
with an Automatically Assessed Course, in Proceedings of ITiCSE’00,
Helsinki, 2000
English J, Experience with a
Computer-Assisted Formal Programming Examination, in Proceedings of
ITiCSE’02, Aarhus, 2002
Farthing D.W, Jones D.M, McPhee D, Permutational Multiple-Choice
Questions: An Objective and Efficient Alternative to Essay-Type Examination
Questions, Proceedings of ITiCSE’98, pp81-85 Dublin, 1998
Farthing DW, and McPhee D, Multiple choice for honours-level
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Ferrell C, and Daniel L, A frame of reference for understanding
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Freeman M, and McKenzie, SPARK, a confidential web-based template
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Hagan D, Sheard J, Monitoring and Evaluating a Redesigned First Year
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Aarhus, 2002
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Huizinga D, Identifying Topics for Instructional Improvement through
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pp129-132, Canterbury, 2002
Hunt N, Hughes J and Rowe G, Formative automated computer testing
(FACT), British Journal of Educational Technology, 33 pp525-535, 2002
Jacobsen M, Kremer R, Online Testing and Grading using WebCT in
Computer Science, Proceedings of WebNet 2000, pp263-268 San Antonio 2000
Janson S, Gender and the Information Society: A Socially Structured
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of Power, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989
Joy M, Luck M, Effective
Electronic Marking for Online Assessment, in Proceedings of ITiCSE’98,
Dublin, 1998
Kjöllerström B, Mårtensson M, Success in CAA will change the way we
learn, Proceedings of 3rd Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough
Kumar, A, On Changing from
Written to Online Tests in CS1: An Assessment, Proceedings of ITiCSE’99,
pp25-28 Krakow, 1999
Lee S, Development of instructional strategy of computer application
software for group instruction in Computers and Education 37(1), 2001
Le Heron J, Plagiarism, learning dishonest or just plain cheating:
The context and countermeasures in information systems teaching, Australian
Journal of Educational Technology, 17 pp244-264, 2001
Malmi L, Korhonen A, Saikkonen R, Experiences in Automatic
Assessment on Mass Courses. Proceedings of ITiCSE’02, pp55-59, Aarhus, 2002
Mansouri F.Z, Gibbon C.A, Higgins C.A, PRAM: Prolog Automatic Marker,
Proceedings of ITiCSE’98, Dublin, pp166-170
Mason DV, and Woit DM, Integrating technology into computer science
education. In Joyce D (Ed.), Twenty-ninth SIGCSE Technical Symposium on
Computer Science Education, ACM Press, Atlanta, Georgia, pp140-144, 1998
Mason O, Grove-Stephenson I, Automated free text marking with
Paperless School, Proceedings of 6th Annual CAA Conference,
pp213-222, Loughborough 2002
McDonald AS, The impact of individual differences on the equivalence
of computer-based and paper-and -pencil educational assessments, Computers
& Education, 39 pp299-312, 2002
Medley M.D, Online Finals for CS1 and CS2, Proceedings of
ITiCSE’98, pp178-180, Dublin, 1998
Mitchell T, Russell T, Broomhead P, Aldridge N, Towards Robust
Computerized Marking of Free-Text Responses in Proceedings of 6th
International Computer Aided Assessment Conference, Loughborough, 2002
Mulligan B, Pilot study on the impact of frequent computerized
assessment on student work rates. 3rd Annual Computer Assisted Assessment
conference (CAA), Loughborough, 1999
Peat M, and Franklin S, Supporting student learning: the use of
computer-based formative assessment modules, British Journal of Educational
Technology, 33 pp515-523, 2002
Phipps L, McCarthy D, Computer Assisted Assessment and Disabilities,
Proceedings of 5th Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough 2001
Pollock, M.J., Whittington, C.D. and Doughty, G.F. Evaluating the
Costs and Benefits of changing to CAA, Proceedings of 4th Annual
CAA Conference, Loughborough 2000
Preston J.A, Shackelford R, Improving Online Assessment: An
Investigation of Existing Marking Methodologies, Proceedings of ITiCSE’99,
pp29-32, Krakow, 1999
Saikkonen R, Malmi L, Korhonen A, Fully Automatic Assessment of
Programming Exercises. Proceedings of ITiCSE’01, pp133-136 Canterbury, 2001
Sheard J, and Carbone A, CADAL Quiz: providing support for
self-managed learning. In Davies G and Owen C (Eds.), World Conference on
the WWW and Internet (WebNet 2000), Association for the Advancement of
Computing in Education (AACE), Norfolk, VA, USA, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 2000
Sly L and Rennie LJ, Computer managed learning: Its use in formative
as well as summative assessment. In Brown S, Bull J and Race P (Eds.), 3rd
Annual Computer Assisted Assessment conference (CAA), Loughborough, 1999
Smythe C, Roberts P, An Overview of the IMS Question & Test
Interoperability Specification, Proceedings of 4th Annual CAA
Conference, Loughborough 2000
Taylor JA, Self test: a flexible self assessment package for
distance and other learners, Computers & Education, 31 pp319-328, 1998
Thomas P, Price B, Petre M, Carswell L, Richards M, Experiments with
Electronic Examinations over the Internet, Proceedings of 5th
Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough 2001
Thomas P, Price B, Paine C, and Richards M, Remote electronic
examinations: student experiences, British Journal of Educational
Technology, 33 pp537-549, 2002
Trentin G, Computerized adaptive tests and formative assessment,
Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 6 pp201-220, 1997
Vitolo T, Coulston C, Taxonomy of Information Literacy Competencies in
Journal of Information Technology Education Volume 1(1), 2002
White S, Davis H, Creating large-scale test banks: a briefing for
participative discussion of issues and agendas, Proceedings of 4th
Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough 2000
Whittington D, Hunt H, Approaches to the computerized assessment of
free text responses, Proceedings of 3rd Annual CAA Conference,
Loughborough 1999
· Zlatos B, The Texas Ranger of testing, The Executive Educator, 18 pp27-29, 1996
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