How Shall we Assess This?



This list is not complete.  It will continue to grow as work progresses.


·        Arnow D, Barshay O, Online Programming Examinations using WebToTeach, Proceedings of ITiCSE’99, pp21-24 Krakow, 1999

·        Ashworth P, Bannister P, and Thorne P, Guilty in whose eyes? University students' perceptions of cheating and plagiarism in academic work and assessment, Studies in Higher Education, 22, pp187-203, 1997

·        Barnett DC, and Dalton JC, Why college students cheat? Journal of College Student Personnel, 22, pp545-551, 1981

·        Belton M, Knopf S, Creating Assessments that Conform to W3C Accessibility Guidelines, Proceedings of 6th Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough 2002

·        Ben-Ari M, Constructivism in Computer Science Education, in Proceedings of 29th SIGCSE Symposium, Atlanta, February 1998

·        Bloom B, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals: Handbook I, Longman, New York, 1956

·        Bull J, A glimpse of the future in Computer-Assisted Assessment in Higher Education. In Brown S, Bull J and Race P (Eds.), Computer-Assisted Assessment in Higher Education, Kogan Page, London, pp193-197, 1999

·        Burstein J, Leacock C, Swartz R, Automated Evaluation of Essays and Short Answers, Proceedings of 5th Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough 2001

·        Byrnes R, The development of a multiple-choice and true-false testing environment on the Web. AusWeb95, Lismore, NSW, 1995

·        Carbone A, Developing and integrating a Web-based quiz generator into the curriculum. Second World Conference on the WWW, Internet and Intranet, Toronto, Canada, 1997

·        Carpenter DD, Harding TS, Montgomery SM and Steneck N, P.A.C.E.S – A study on academic integrity among engineering undergraduates (preliminary conclusions). American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2002

·        Carter J, and Boyle R, Teaching Delivery Issues – Lessons from Computer Science, in Journal of Information Technology Education, Volume 1(2), 2002

·        Carter J, Tardivel J, Fincher S, Fuller U, Johnson C, Linington J, Utting I, Portrait of 2000/01 Part I Assessments, Part 1: Statistical Analysis. Technical Report 10-01, Computing Laboratory, University of Kent at Canterbury, August 2001

·        Christie J.R, Automated Essay Marking for both Style and Content, Proceedings of 3rd Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough 1999

·        Clariana R, and Wallace P, Paper-based versus computer-based assessment: key factors associated with the test mode effect, British Journal of Educational Technology, 33 pp593-602, 2002

·        Cook J, Leatherwood C, Oriogun P, Online Conferencing with Multimedia Students: Monitoring Gender Participation and Promoting Critical Debate in Proceedings of 2nd Annual LTSN-ICS Conference, London, 2001

·        Cox K, and Clark D, The use of formative quizzes for deep learning, Computers and Education, 30 pp157-167, 1998

·        Culwin F, Web Hosted Assessment: Possibilities and Policy, Proceedings of ITiCSE’98, pp55-58, Dublin, 1998

·        Culwin F, MacLeod A, Lancaster T, Source Code Plagiarism in UK HE Computing Schools, Issues, Attitudes and Tools, Southbank University, London, Commissioned by JISC, 2001

·        Daly, C, RoboProf and an Introductory Programming Course, in Proceedings of ITiCSE’99, Krakow, 1999

·        Daly C, Waldron J, Introductory Programming, Problem Solving and Computer Assisted Assessment, Proceedings of 6th Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough 2002

·        Dalziel J, Gazzard S, Next generation computer assisted assessment software: the design and implementation of WebMCQ, Proceedings of 3rd Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough 1999

·        Davies P, Computer Aided Assessment MUST be more than multiple-choice tests for it to be academically credible? Proceedings of 5th Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough 2001

·        Davis H, Carr L, Cooke E, White S, Managing Diversity: Experiences Teaching Programming Principles in Proceedings of 2nd Annual LTSN-ICS Conference, London, 2001

·        Dick M, Sheard J, Bareiss C, Carter J, Harding T, Laxer C, Addressing Student Cheating: Definitions and Solutions ITiCSE’02 working group report, 2002

·        Diekhoff GM, LaBeff EE, Clark RE, Williams LE, Francis B, and Haines VJ, College cheating: ten years later, Research in Higher Education, 37, pp487-502, 1996

·        Duke-Williams E, King T, Using Computer-Aided Assessment to Test Higher Level Learning Outcomes, Proceedings of 5th Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough, 2001

·        English J, Siviter P, Experience with an Automatically Assessed Course, in Proceedings of ITiCSE’00, Helsinki, 2000

·        English J, Experience with a Computer-Assisted Formal Programming Examination, in Proceedings of ITiCSE’02, Aarhus, 2002

·        Farthing D.W, Jones D.M, McPhee D, Permutational Multiple-Choice Questions: An Objective and Efficient Alternative to Essay-Type Examination Questions, Proceedings of ITiCSE’98, pp81-85 Dublin, 1998

·        Farthing DW, and McPhee D, Multiple choice for honours-level students? A statistical evaluation. 3rd Annual Computer Assisted Assessment conference (CAA), Loughborough, 1999

·        Ferrell C, and Daniel L, A frame of reference for understanding behaviors related to the academic misconduct of undergraduate teacher education students, Research in Higher Education, 36 pp345-375, 1995

·        Freeman M, and McKenzie, SPARK, a confidential web-based template for self and peer assessment of student teamwork: benefits of evaluating across different subjects, British Journal of Educational Technology, 33 pp551-569, 2002

·        Hagan D, Sheard J, Monitoring and Evaluating a Redesigned First Year Programming Course, in Proceedings of ITiCSE’97, Uppsala, 1997

·        Higgins C, Symeonidis P, Tsintifas A, The Marking System for CourseMaster, in Proceedings of ITiCSE’02, Aarhus, 2002

·        Hoggarth G, Lockyer M, An Automated Student Diagram Assessment System, Proceedings of ITiCSE’98, pp122-124, Dublin, 1998

·        Huizinga D, Identifying Topics for Instructional Improvement through Online Tracking of Programming Assignments, Proceedings of ITiCSE’01, pp129-132, Canterbury, 2002

·        Hunt N, Hughes J and Rowe G, Formative automated computer testing (FACT), British Journal of Educational Technology, 33 pp525-535, 2002

·        Jacobsen M, Kremer R, Online Testing and Grading using WebCT in Computer Science, Proceedings of WebNet 2000, pp263-268 San Antonio 2000

·        Janson S, Gender and the Information Society: A Socially Structured Silence, in Siefert M, Gerbner G, Fisher J (Eds.), The Information Gap: How Computers and Other Communication Technologies Affect the Social Distribution of Power, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989

·        Joy M, Luck M, Effective Electronic Marking for Online Assessment, in Proceedings of ITiCSE’98, Dublin, 1998

·        JPLAG

·        Kjöllerström B, Mårtensson M, Success in CAA will change the way we learn, Proceedings of 3rd Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough 1999

·        Kumar, A, On Changing from Written to Online Tests in CS1: An Assessment, Proceedings of ITiCSE’99, pp25-28 Krakow, 1999

·        Lee S, Development of instructional strategy of computer application software for group instruction in Computers and Education 37(1), 2001

·        Le Heron J, Plagiarism, learning dishonest or just plain cheating: The context and countermeasures in information systems teaching, Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 17 pp244-264, 2001

·        Malmi L, Korhonen A, Saikkonen R, Experiences in Automatic Assessment on Mass Courses. Proceedings of ITiCSE’02, pp55-59, Aarhus, 2002

·        Mansouri F.Z, Gibbon C.A, Higgins C.A, PRAM: Prolog Automatic Marker, Proceedings of ITiCSE’98, Dublin, pp166-170

·        Mason DV, and Woit DM, Integrating technology into computer science education. In Joyce D (Ed.), Twenty-ninth SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, ACM Press, Atlanta, Georgia, pp140-144, 1998

·        Mason O, Grove-Stephenson I, Automated free text marking with Paperless School, Proceedings of 6th Annual CAA Conference, pp213-222, Loughborough 2002

·        McDonald AS, The impact of individual differences on the equivalence of computer-based and paper-and -pencil educational assessments, Computers & Education, 39 pp299-312, 2002

·        Medley M.D, Online Finals for CS1 and CS2, Proceedings of ITiCSE’98, pp178-180, Dublin, 1998

·        Mitchell T, Russell T, Broomhead P, Aldridge N, Towards Robust Computerized Marking of Free-Text Responses in Proceedings of 6th International Computer Aided Assessment Conference, Loughborough, 2002

·        MOSS

·        Mulligan B, Pilot study on the impact of frequent computerized assessment on student work rates. 3rd Annual Computer Assisted Assessment conference (CAA), Loughborough, 1999

·        Peat M, and Franklin S, Supporting student learning: the use of computer-based formative assessment modules, British Journal of Educational Technology, 33 pp515-523, 2002

·        Phipps L, McCarthy D, Computer Assisted Assessment and Disabilities, Proceedings of 5th Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough 2001

·        Pollock, M.J., Whittington, C.D. and Doughty, G.F. Evaluating the Costs and Benefits of changing to CAA, Proceedings of 4th Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough 2000

·        Preston J.A, Shackelford R, Improving Online Assessment: An Investigation of Existing Marking Methodologies, Proceedings of ITiCSE’99, pp29-32, Krakow, 1999

·        Saikkonen R, Malmi L, Korhonen A, Fully Automatic Assessment of Programming Exercises. Proceedings of ITiCSE’01, pp133-136 Canterbury, 2001

·        Sheard J, and Carbone A, CADAL Quiz: providing support for self-managed learning. In Davies G and Owen C (Eds.), World Conference on the WWW and Internet (WebNet 2000), Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Norfolk, VA, USA, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 2000

·        Sly L and Rennie LJ, Computer managed learning: Its use in formative as well as summative assessment. In Brown S, Bull J and Race P (Eds.), 3rd Annual Computer Assisted Assessment conference (CAA), Loughborough, 1999

·        Smythe C, Roberts P, An Overview of the IMS Question & Test Interoperability Specification, Proceedings of 4th Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough 2000

·        Taylor JA, Self test: a flexible self assessment package for distance and other learners, Computers & Education, 31 pp319-328, 1998

·        Thomas P, Price B, Petre M, Carswell L, Richards M, Experiments with Electronic Examinations over the Internet, Proceedings of 5th Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough 2001

·        Thomas P, Price B, Paine C, and Richards M, Remote electronic examinations: student experiences, British Journal of Educational Technology, 33 pp537-549, 2002

·        Trentin G, Computerized adaptive tests and formative assessment, Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 6 pp201-220, 1997

·        Vitolo T, Coulston C, Taxonomy of Information Literacy Competencies in Journal of Information Technology Education Volume 1(1), 2002

·        WebCT

·        White S, Davis H, Creating large-scale test banks: a briefing for participative discussion of issues and agendas, Proceedings of 4th Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough 2000

·        Whittington D, Hunt H, Approaches to the computerized assessment of free text responses, Proceedings of 3rd Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough 1999

·         Zlatos B, The Texas Ranger of testing, The Executive Educator, 18 pp27-29, 1996

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