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Welcome to BC²
The BC² (Brain | Cognition | Computing) laboratory is a research laboratory based at the University of Kent, Medway Campus. Led by Dr. Caroline Li at the School of Computing, BC² is designed to enhance interdisciplinary collaboration in brain research. The BC² Lab aims to form the experiment base for the research activities in the area of brain science, brain computer interface, brain signal processing, computational neuroscience, cognitive science and other areas where studies of brain and cognition play central roles. It is also a base for training undergraduates, graduates, postdocs, and visiting scholars in the measurement and analysis of brain data, behavioral measurements and physiological measurements. Our current research partners include School of Sports and Exercise Sciences, School of Arts and the NHS, amongst others.
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Please follow the link on the right to use our online booking system to reserve access to the following equipment.
We are eqquiped with state-of-the-art device BioSemi to measure EEG signals.
Device Features
- ActiveTwo system: 280-channel, DC amplifier, 24-bit resolution, biopotential measurement system with Active Electrodes
- Headcap system with the fastest application time.
- Reliable measurements without skin preparation.
- Battery powered front-end with fiber optic data transfer.
- Flexible colored electrode labeling system.
- Suitable for EEG, ECG as well as EMG measurements.
- 24 bit ADC per channel, unsurpassed S/N ratio and linearity.
- Graphical programming (LabVIEW) on PC and Mac.
- Improved digital resolution, LSB value is 31nV.
For more information on BioSemi, please refer to their website.

The Emotiv EPOC is a high resolution, neuro-signal acquisition and processing wireless neuroheadset. Emotiv offers a multi-channel electroencephalogram (EEG) system for research, enabling a broad range of applications including neurotherapy, biofeedback, and brain computer interface.
For more information on Emotiv, please refer to their website.
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