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Context, CC/PP, and P3P
Patrik Osbakk and Nick Ryan
In Peter Ljungstrand and Lars Erik Holmquist, editors, UbiComp 2002 Adjunct Proceedings, pages 182-196, Gteborg, Sweden, September 2002. Viktoria Institute.Abstract
In this extended abstract we describe how CC/PP, a framework for describing user preferences and device capabilities, can be extended to support general contextual information. Whilst there has been some concern for privacy issues in the intended uses of CC/PP, this more general use increases the need for protecting sensitive contextual information. We describe how an additional privacy profile can be used together with P3P, to determine what information is revealed.
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@inproceedings{1553, author = {Patrik Osbakk and Nick Ryan}, title = {{C}ontext, {CC}/{PP}, and {P}3{P}}, month = {September}, year = {2002}, pages = {182-196}, keywords = {determinacy analysis, Craig interpolants}, note = {}, doi = {}, url = {http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/pubs/2002/1553}, publication_type = {inproceedings}, submission_id = {26266_1036142290}, booktitle = {UbiComp 2002 Adjunct Proceedings}, editor = {Peter Ljungstrand and Lars Erik Holmquist}, address = {Gteborg, Sweden}, publisher = {Viktoria Institute}, }