Submission details
Date and Venue
The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is an approach to IT systems development fostered by the Object Management Group (OMG). It is based on forming a separation between the specification of a systems essential functionality as a platform independent model (PIM) and the realisation of the system using more detailed and specific platform specification (PSM).
The MDA approach to the development of distributed IT systems will affect the current methods and techniques employed to manage the development process. It is recognized that specifying the mappings from transformations from a PIM to a PSM is a key enabling aspect of the MDA approach. This is substantiated by OMG's current Request for Proposals (RFP) on techniques and facilities to enable transformations.
In this workshop we aim to explore how the MDA approach affects or impacts on methodologies for system development, and intend to explore the techniques available for specifying transformations, in particular taking a look at tools (or potential tools) for supporting such specifications and methodologies.
This workshop is following on from two previously successful workshops:
- Metamodelling for MDA held in York, November 2003, and
- First European Workshop on Model Driven Architecture with Emphasis on Industrial Application held in
Enschede, March 2004.
Format of the Workshop:
This two track, two day workshop on Methodologies and Transformations will provide the opportunity for in depth discussion regarding each topic whilst allowing interaction between experts in each area.
The first day will be dedicated to setting the scene, involving presentations on SOME of the accepted submissions. Based on the topics covered by the submissions, specific problems in the areas of transformations and methodologies will be identified by the organisers.
The second day of the workshop will be targeted at "doing some work" (after all this is a 'work'shop) and the delegates divide into groups for smaller scale discussion on the selected problems. The goals of the discussion groups will be clearly defined and each group will be expected to report back on the results of the discussion at the end of the second day. The results will also be written up and included in the proceedings (after the workshop).
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