
Key Dates

5 May 2012

7-10 May 2012
CHI 2012

Call for Participation

The ACM/IEEE Computer Science curriculum for 2013 will include a revised HCI knowledge area, and this workshop provides an opportunity to contribute to that process. Together we shall work to populate the schematic HCI curriculum with rich examples of practice, and to investigate aspects of representation that are key to shared understanding. What features are important? How are they exposed? What material should be abstracted and what detailed? What representations are helpful? What aspects hinder?

Our goals are:

To participate

Submit a description of a piece of your teaching practice that you find most interesting, exciting or effective within your context. (Where possible, this should be associated with one of the topics in the CS2013 curriculum working document.)

There is no prescription on the type of practice selected (exercise, assessment, lecture etc.) nor the form of submission (case study, vignette, ideas, student work, teaching materials, digital narrative etc.) as long as the submission exemplifies how a topic has actually been instantiated in practice.

Along with the description of your practice, please send a separate document that responds to these questions.


Practices (together with answers to questions) should be submitted to:
S.A.Fincher[at sign here]

Small Print

Participants will be selected to provide a balance across institution types and curriculum topics. At least one author of each submission must attend the workshop and all participants must register for the workshop and for at least one day of the conference.