The GC bibliography

The bibliography is available in BibTeX format (including abstracts for many entries), or as PDF or in a series of web pages

I would be most grateful to receive additions, corrections and URLs of electronically available papers.

Last updated 15 January 2025.


[hadd67] B.K. Haddon and W.M. Waite. A compaction procedure for variable length storage elements. Computer Journal, 10:162-165, August 1967.

[haga96] Tom Hagan. Not just a stopgap. Information Week, January 1996.

[hagg01] Daniel Häggander, Per Lidén, and Lars Lundberg. A method for automatic optimization of dynamic memory management in C++. In ICPP 2001 [ICPP01], 2001. Available here.

[hagg98] Daniel Häggander and Lars Lundberg. Optimizing dynamic memory management in a multithreaded application executing on a multiprocessor. In ICPP 1998 [ICPP98], 1998. Available here.

[hagg99] Daniel Häggander and Lars Lundberg. Memory allocation prevented telecommunication application to be parallelized for better database utilization. In 6th International Australasian Conference on Parallel and Real-Time Systems (PART), Melbourne, November 1999. Available here.

[hagg00] Daniel Häggander and Lars Lundberg. Attacking the dynamic memory problem for SMPs. In 13th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing System (PDCS), 2000.

[haib05] Bruno Haible. Weak datastructures. This talk at the European Common Lisp meeting o2 24 April 2005 explains the benefits and drawbacks of weak references. It generalizes the data types of weak pointer, weak list and weak hash-table. It explains how to implement these data types correctly and efficiently., April 2005. Available here.

[hall02] Niels Hallenberg, Martin Elsman, and Mads Tofte. Combining region inference and garbage collection. In PLDI 2002 [PLDI02], 2002, pages 141-152. Available here.

[hall96] Niels Hallenberg. A region profiler for a Standard ML compiler based on region inference. Student Project 96-5-7, Department of Computer Science (DIKU), University of Copenhagen, June 1996.

[hall99] N. Hallenberg. Combining garbage collection and region inference in the ML Kit. Master's thesis, Department of Computer Science (DIKU), University of Copenhagen, June 1999.

[halp84] Joseph Y. Halpern, Albert R. Meyer, and B.A. Trakhtenbrot. The semantics of local storage, or what makes the free-list free?. In POPL 1984 [POPL84], 1984, pages 245-257. Available here.

[hals78] Robert H. Halstead. Multiple-processor implementations of message passing systems. Technical Report TR-198, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, April 1978.

[hals84] Robert H. Halstead. Implementation of Multilisp: Lisp on a multiprocessor. In Steele [LFP84], 1984, pages 9-17. Available here.

[hals85] Robert H. Halstead. Multilisp: A language for concurrent symbolic computation. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 7(4):501-538, October 1985. Available here.

[hama17] Shintaro Hamanaka, Shun Kurihara, Shoki Fukuda, Ryusuke Mori, Masato Oguchi, and Saneyasu Yamaguchi. Object lifetime trend of modern Android applications for GC performance improvement. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, page 6, Beppu, Japan, 2017. ACM Press. Available here.

[hami92] T. Hamid and M.K. Crowe. Garbage collection in large scale distributed object stores. In Objects in Large Distributed Applications (OLDA II) - OOPSLA'92, 1992.

[hami90a] G.W. Hamilton and Simon B. Jones. Compile-time garbage collection by necessity analysis. Technical Report 67, Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling, 1990.

[hami90] G.W. Hamilton and Simon B. Jones. Compile-time garbage collection by necessity analysis. In Peyton Jones et al. [glasgow90], 1991, pages 66-70.

[hami93] G.W. Hamilton. Compile-Time Optimisation of Store Usage in Lazy Funtional Programs. PhD thesis, University of Stirling, 1993.

[hami95] G.W. Hamilton. Compile-time garbage collection for lazy functional languages. In Baker [IWMM95], 1995, pages 119-144. Available here.

[hami97] Craig Hamilton. Measuring the performance of disk garbage collectors: Garbage collecting persistent Java stores. Master's thesis, University of Glasgow, 1997.

[hamm08] Matthew Hammer and Umut Acar. Memory management for self-adjusting computation. In Jones and Blackburn [ISMM08], 2008, pages 51-60. Available here.

[hamm94] Kevin Hammond, Geoff L. Burn, and D.B. Howe. Spiking your caches. Glasgow University, 1994.

[hamp03] Matthew Hampton. Using contaminated garbage collection and reference counting garbage collection to provide automatic reclamation for real-time systems. Master's thesis, Washington University, 2003. Available here.

[hamz10] H. Hamza and Steve Counsell. The impact of varying memory region numbers and nesting on RTSJ execution time. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE 2010), 2010.

[hamz10a] H. Hamza and Steve Counsell. Improving the performance of scoped memory in RTSJ applications. In Proceedings of the 36th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2010), 2010.

[hamz11] H. Hamza and Steve Counsell. Using scoped memory in RTSJ applications: Dynamic analysis of memory consumption. In Proceedings of the 37th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, 2011.

[hamz13] H. Hamza and Steve Counsell. Exploiting slicing and patterns for RTSJ immortal memory optimization. In PPPJ 2013 [PPPJ13], 2013. Available here.

[han06a] Longzhe Han, Yeonseung Ryu, and Keunsoo Yim. CATA: A garbage collection scheme for flash memory file systems. In Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, volume 4159 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 2006. Available here.

[hann95] J. Hannon. A type-based analysis for stack allocation in functional languages. In 2nd International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS), volume 983 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 172-188. Springer, September 1995.

[hans02] Lars Thomas Hansen and William D. Clinger. An experimental study of renewal-older-first garbage collection. In ICFP 2002 [ICFP02], 2002, pages 247-258. Available here.

[hans69] Wilfred J. Hansen. Compact list representation: Definition, garbage collection, and system implementation. Communications of the ACM, 12(9):499-507, September 1969.

[hans92] Lars Thomas Hansen. The impact of programming style on the performance of Scheme programs. Master's thesis, University of Oregon, August 1992. Available here.

[hans00] Lars Thomas Hansen. Older-first Garbage Collection in Practice. PhD thesis, Northeastern University, November 2000.

[hans77] David R. Hanson. Storage management for an implementation of SNOBOL4. Software: Practice and Experience, 7(2):179-192, 1977. Available here.

[hans90] David R. Hanson. Fast allocation and deallocation of memory based on object lifetimes. Software: Practice and Experience, 20(1):5-12, January 1990.

[hao11] Wu Hao and Ji Zhen-Zhou. Design and evaluation of an efficient semispace-based memory reclamation scheme. In 2011 First International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control, pages 212-215, 2011. Available here.

[harl87] David M. Harland and Brune Beloff. OBJEKT - a persistent object store with an integrated garbage collector. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 22(4):70-79, 1987.

[harm89] Douglas E. Harms. Efficient initialization and finalization of data structures: Why and how. Technical Report OSU-CISRC-3/89-TR11, Ohio State University, Computer and Information Science Research Center, February 1989.

[harr02] Timothy L. Harris, Keir Fraser, and Ian A. Pratt. A practical multi-word compare-and-swap operation. In Dahlia Malkhi, editor, International Conference on Distributed Computing, volume 2508 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 265-279, Toulouse, France, October 2002. Available here.

[harr03] Tim Harris and Keir Fraser. Language support for lightweight transactions. In OOPSLA 2003 [OOPSLA03], 2003, pages 388-402. Available here.

[harr98] Warren Harris. Applet lifecycle in Netscape Communicator. Technical Report TN-JAVA-05-9707, Netscape Communications Corporation, 1998.

[harr98a] Warren Harris. The design and implementation of the Sport Model garbage collector. Technical report, Netscape Communications Corporation, January 19 1998.

[harr99] Timothy Harris. Early storage reclamation in a tracing garbage collector. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 34(4):46-53, April 1999. Available here.

[harr00] Timothy Harris. Dynamic adaptive pre-tenuring. In Chambers and Hosking [ISMM2000], 2000, pages 127-136. Available here.

[harr06] Tim Harris. Leaky regions: Linking reclamation hints to program structure. Technical Report MSR-TR-2006-84, Microsoft Research, June 2006. Available here.

[hart07] Thomas E. Hart, Paul E. McKenney, Angela Demke Brown, and Jonathan Walpole. Performance of memory reclamation for lockless synchronization. Journal of Parallel Distributed Computing, 67(12):1270-1285, 2007. Available here.

[hart64] Timothy P. Hart and Thomas G. Evans. Notes on implementing LISP for the M-460 computer. In Berkeley and Bobrow [berk74], 1974, pages 191-203. Available here.

[hart94] Pieter H. Hartel, Marc Feeley, Martin Alt, Lennart Augustsson, Peter Baumann, Marcel Beemster, Emmanuel Chailloux, Christine H. Flood, Wolfgang Grieskamp, John H.G. van Groningen, Kevin Hammond, Bogumil Hausman, Melody Y. Ivory, Peter Lee, Xavier Leroy, Sandra Loosemore, Niklas Röjemo, Manuel Serrano, Jean-Pierre Talpin, Jon Thackray, Pierre Weis, and Peter Wentworth. Pseudoknot: A float-intensive benchmark for functional compilers. In J.R.W. Glauert, editor, 6th Implementation of Functional Languages, pages 13.1-13.34. School of Information Systems, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, September 1994. Available here.

[hart96] Pieter H. Hartel, Marc Feeley, Martin Alt, Lennart Augustsson, Peter Baumann, Marcel Beemster, Emmanuel Chailloux, Christine H. Flood, Wolfgang Grieskamp, John H.G. van Groningen, Kevin Hammond, Bogumil Hausman, Melody Y. Ivory, Richard Jones, Peter Lee, Xavier Leroy, Rafael Lins, Sandra Loosemore, Niklas Röjemo, Manuel Serrano, Jean-Pierre Talpin, Jon Thackray, Stephen P. Thomas, Pierre Weis, and Peter Wentworth. Benchmarking implementations of functional languages with `Pseudoknot', a float-intensive benchmark. Journal of Functional Programming, 6(4), 1996.

[hart88] Pieter H. Hartel. Performance Analysis of Storage Management in Combinator Graph Reduction. PhD thesis, Department of Computer Systems, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 1988.

[hart90] Pieter H. Hartel. A comparison of 3 garbage collection algorithms. Structured Programming, 11(3):117-127, 1990.

[hasa03] Yusuf Hasan and J. Morris Chang. A hybrid allocator. In ISPASS 2003 [ISPASS03], 2003.

[hass16] Wessam Hassanein. Understanding and improving JVM GC work stealing at the data center scale. In Zhang and Flood [ISMM16], 2016, pages 46-54. Available here.

[hast92] Reed Hastings and Bob Joyce. Fast detection of memory leaks and access errors. In Winter USENIX Conference, pages 125-136. USENIX Association, 1992. Available here.

[hat] Sun Microsystems. Java Heap Analysis Tool (HAT). Available here.

[hatt87] A. Hattori, H. Masuzawa, and H. Hayashi. AI machine. Fujitsu Scientific and Technical Journal, 23(4):369-378, 1987.

[haug99] Scott Haug. Automatic storage optimization via garbage collection. Master's thesis, Washington University, St Louis, 1999.

[chil04] Mattias Hauswirth and Trishul M. Chilimbi. Low-overhead memory leak detection using adaptive statistical profiling. In Mukherjee and McKinley [ASPLOS04], 2004, pages 156-164. Available here.

[have97] Klaus Havelund and Natarajan Shankar. A mechanized refinement proof for a garbage collector. Technical report, Aalborg University, 1997. Submitted to Formal Aspects of Computing. Available here.

[have99] Klaus Havelund. Mechanical verification of a garbage collector. In Parallel and Distributed Processing, volume 1586 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1258-1283, San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 1999. 11th IPPS/SPDP'99 Workshops held in conjunction with the 13th International Parallel Processing Symposium and 10th Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing. Available here.

[hawb04] Chris Hawblitzel, Edward Wei, Heng Huang, Eric Krupski, and Lea Wittie. Low-level linear memory management. In SPACE 2004 [SPACE04], 2004.

[hawb07] Chris Hawblitzel, Heng Huang, Lea Wittie, and Juan Chen. A garbage-collecting typed assembly language. In ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Types in Language Design and Implementation, Nice, France, January 2007. Available here.

[hawb15] Chris Hawblitzel, , Shaz Qadeer, and Serdar Tasiran. Automated and modular refinement reasoning for concurrent programs. In Computer Aided Verification (CAV'15), volume 9207 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, July 2015. Available here.

[hawb09] Chris Hawblitzel and Erez Petrank. Automated verification of practical garbage collectors. In POPL 2009 [POPL09], 2009, pages 441-453. Available here.

[hawb06] Chris Hawblitzel. Linear types for aliased resources. In SPACE 2006 [SPACE06], 2006, pages 105-107. Available here.

[haya] H. Hayashi, A. Hattori, and H. Akimoto. ALPHA: High-performance Lisp machine equipped with a new stack structure and real-time garbage collection system. Draft report, Fujitsu Laboratories.

[haye90] Barry Hayes. Open systems require conservative garbage collectors. In Jul and Juul [OOPSLA90-gc], 1990. Available here.

[haye91] Barry Hayes. Using key object opportunism to collect old objects. In OOPSLA 1991 [OOPSLA91], 1991, pages 33-46. Available here.

[haye92] Barry Hayes. Finalization in the collector interface. In Bekkers and Cohen [IWMM92], 1992, pages 277-298. Available here.

[haye93] Barry Hayes. Key Objects in Garbage Collection. PhD thesis, Stanford University, March 1993.

[haye97] Barry Hayes. Ephemerons: A new finalization mechanism. In OOPSLA 1997 [OOPSLA97], 1997, pages 176-183. Available here.

[haze09] Kim Hazelwood, Greg Lueck, and Robert Cohn. Scalable support for multithreaded applications on dynamic binary instrumentation systems. In Kolodner and Steele [ISMM09], 2009, pages 20-29. Available here.

[heck92] Brian C. Heck and David S. Wise. An implementation of an applicative file system. In Bekkers and Cohen [IWMM92], 1992, pages 248-263. Available here.

[hede88] Lucy Hederman. Compile-time garbage collection using reference count analysis. Master's thesis, Rice University, August 1988. Also Rice University Technical Report TR88-75 but, according to Rice University's technical report list, this report is no longer available for distribution. Available here.

[heeb91] Beat Heeb and Cuno Pfister. Oberon technical notes: An integrated heap allocator/garbage collector. ETH Technical Report 156, ETHZ, March 1991.

[heil00] Timothy Heil and James E. Smith. Concurrent garbage collection using hardware assisted profiling. In Chambers and Hosking [ISMM2000], 2000, pages 80-93. Available here.

[hein01] Nevin Heintze and Olivier Tardieu. Demand-driven pointer analysis. In PLDI 2001 [PLDI01], 2001, pages 24-34. Available here.

[hein01a] Nevin Heintze and Olivier Tardieu. Ultra-fast aliasing analysis using CLA: A million lines of C code in a second. In PLDI 2001 [PLDI01], 2001, pages 254-263. Available here.

[hell10] Laurence Hellyer, Richard Jones, and Antony L. Hosking. The locality of concurrent write barriers. In Vitek and Lea [ISMM10], 2010, pages 83-92. Available here.

[hels01] Simon Helsen. Syntactic type soundness for the imperative region calculus. In SPACE 2001 [SPACE01], 2001. Available here.

[hend95] Fergus Henderson, Thomas Conway, and Zoltan Somogyi. Compiling logic programs to C using GNU C as a portable assembler. In ILPS'95 Post-conference Workshop on Sequential Implementation Technologies for Logic Programming, pages 1-15, Portland, Or, 1995. Available here.

[hend02] Fergus Henderson. Accurate garbage collection in an uncooperative environment. In Boehm and Detlefs [ISMM02], 2002, pages 150-156. Available here.

[hend90] Laurie J. Hendren. Parallelizing Programs with Recursive Data Structures. PhD thesis, Cornell University, April 1990.

[heng88] Seng-Lai Heng. Performance evaluation of numerous garbage collections by real-time simulation. Master's thesis, University of Texasat Austin, 1988.

[heng01] Fritz Henglein, Henning Makholm, and H. Niss. A direct approach to control-flow sensitive region-based memory management. In International Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP), pages 175-186, 2001.

[henn93] Wade Hennessey. Real-time garbage collection in a multimedia programming language. In Moss et al. [OOPSLA93-gc], 1993. Available here.

[henn96] John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson. Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach. Morgan Kaufman, second edition, 1996.

[henni98] Michi Henning. Binding, migration and scalability in CORBA. Communications of the ACM, 41(10):62-71, October 1998.

[henr94] Roger Henriksson. Scheduling real-time garbage collection. In Proceedings of NWPER'94, Lund, Sweden, 1994. Available here.

[henr96a] Roger Henriksson. Adaptive scheduling of incremental copying garbage collection for interactive applications. Technical Report 96-174, Lund University, Sweden, 1996. Available here.

[henr96] Roger Henriksson. Scheduling real-time garbage collection. Licentiate thesis, Department of Computer Science, Lund University, 1996. Lund technical report LU-CS-TR:96-161 (abstract only). Available here.

[henr97] Roger Henriksson. Predictable automatic memory management for embedded systems. In Dickman and Wilson [OOPSLA97-gc], 1997. Available here.

[henr98] Roger Henriksson. Scheduling Garbage Collection in Embedded Systems. PhD thesis, Lund Institute of Technology, July 1998. Available here.

[herh10] Stephan Herhut, Carl Joslin, Sven-Bodo Scholz, Raphael Poss, and Clemens Grelck. Concurrent non-deferred reference counting on the Microgrid: First experiences. In Haage and Morazán [IFL10], 2011, pages 185-202. Revised Selected Papers. Available here.

[herl02] Maurice P. Herlihy, Victor Luchangco, and Mark Moir. The repeat offender problem: A mechanism for supporting dynamic-sized lock-free data structures. In 16th International Symposium on Distributed Computing, volume 2508 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 339-353, Toulouse, France, October 2002. Springer-Verlag. Available here.

[herl02a] Maurice P. Herlihy, Paul Martin, Victor Luchangco, and Mark Moir. Dynamic-sized and lock-free data structures. Technical Report TR-2002-110, Sun Microsystems Laboratories, June 2002. Available here.

[herl90] Maurice Herlihy and J. Eliot B Moss. Non-blocking garbage collection for multiprocessors. Technical Report CRL 90/9, DEC Cambridge Research Laboratory, 1990.

[moss91] Maurice P. Herlihy and J. Eliot B. Moss. Lock-free garbage collection for multiprocessors. In Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, pages 229-236. ACM Press, July 1991.

[herl92] Maurice Herlihy and J. Eliot B Moss. Lock-free garbage collection for multiprocessors. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 3(3):304-311, May 1992. Available here.

[herl93] Maurice P. Herlihy and J. Eliot B. Moss. Transactional memory: Architectural support for lock-free data structures. In ISCA 1993 [ISCA93], 1993, pages 289-300. Available here.

[herl08] Maurice Herlihy and Nir Shavit. The Art of Multiprocessor Programming. Morgan Kaufman, April 2008.

[herl90a] Maurice Herlihy and Jeannette M. Wing. Linearizability: A correctness condition for concurrent objects. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 12(3):463-492, 1990. Available here.

[hert02] Matthew Hertz, Steve M. Blackburn, K.S. McKinley, J. Eliot B. Moss, and Darko Stefanović. Error-free garbage collection traces: How to cheat and not get caught. In ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, Marina Del Rey, CA, June 2002. Available here.

[hert02a] Matthew Hertz, N. Immerman, and J. Eliot B. Moss. Framework for analyzing garbage collection. In 2nd IFIP Theoretical Computer Science Congress, pages 230-242. Springer-Verlag, 2002. Available here.

[hert04] Matthew Hertz, Yi Feng, and Emery Berger. Page-level cooperative garbage collection. Technical Report CS TR-04-16, University of Massachusetts, 2004. Available here.

[hert05] Matthew Hertz, Yi Feng, and Emery D. Berger. Garbage collection without paging. In Sarkar and Hall [PLDI05], 2005, pages 143-153. Available here.

[hert06] Matthew Hertz, Stephen M. Blackburn, J. Eliot B. Moss, Kathryn McKinley, and Darko Stefanović. Generating object lifetime traces with Merlin. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 28(3):476-516, May 2006. Available here.

[hert09] Matthew Hertz, Jonathan Bard, Stephen Kane, Elizabeth Keudel, Tongxin Bai, Kirk Kelsey, and Chen Ding. Waste not, want not - resource-based garbage collection in a shared environment. Technical Report TR-951, The University of Rochester, December 2009. Available here.

[hert11] Matthew Hertz, Stephen Kane, Elizabeth Keudel, Tongxin Bai, Chen Ding, Xiaoming Gu, and Jonathan E. Bard. Waste not, want not: Resource-based garbage collection in a shared environment. In Boehm and Bacon [ISMM11], 2011, pages 65-76. Available here.

[hert04a] Matthew Hertz and Emery Berger. Automatic vs. explicit memory management: Settling the performance debate. Technical Report CS TR-04-17, University of Massachusetts, 2004. Available here.

[hert05a] Matthew Hertz and Emery Berger. Quantifying the performance of garbage collection vs.\ explicit memory management. In OOPSLA 2005 [OOPSLA05], 2005, pages 313-326. Available here.

[hert06b] Matthew Hertz. Quantifying and Improving the Performance of Garbage Collection. PhD thesis, University of Massachusetts, September 2006. Available here.

[hess01] Wim H. Hesselink and Jan Friso Groote. Wait-free concurrent memory management by create and read until deletion (CaRuD). Distributed Computing, 14(1):31-39, 2001.

[hess10] Wim H. Hesselink and M.I. Lali. Simple concurrent garbage collection almost without synchronization. Formal Methods of System Design, 36(2):148-166, 2010. Available here.

[hewi77] Carl Hewitt. Viewing control structures as patterns of passing messages. Journal of Artificial Intelligence, 8(3):323-364, June 1977.

[heym91] J. Heymann. A comprehensive analytical model for garbage collection algorithms. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 26(8):50-59, 1991.

[hibi80] Y. Hibino. A practical parallel garbage collection algorithm and its implementation. In ISCA 1980 [ISCA80], 1980, pages 113-120.

[hick84] Tim Hickey and Jacques Cohen. Performance analysis of on-the-fly garbage collection. Communications of the ACM, 27(11):1143-1154, November 1984.

[hick97] Michael W. Hicks, Jonathan T. Moore, and Scott M. Nettles. The measured cost of copying garbage collection mechanisms. In ICFP 1997 [ICFP97], 1997, pages 292-305. Available here.

[hick98] Michael Hicks, Luke Hornof, Jonathan T. Moore, and Scott Nettles. A study of Large Object Spaces. In Peyton~Jones and Jones [ISMM98], 1998, pages 138-145. Available here.

[hick04] Michael Hicks, Dan Grossman, and Trevor Jim. Combining garbage collection and safe manual memory management. In SPACE 2004 [SPACE04], 2004.

[hick04a] Michael Hicks, Greg Morrisett, Dan Grossman, and Trevor Jim. Experience with safe manual memory-management in Cyclone. In Bacon and Diwan [ISMM04], 2004, pages 73-84. Available here.

[hick93] James Hicks. Experiences with compiler-directed storage reclamation. In Hughes [FPCA93], 1993. Available here.

[hieb90] R. Hieb, R.K. Dybvig, and C. Bruggeman. Representing control in the presence of first-class continuations. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 25(6):66-77, 1990.

[hiep91] Van Nguyen Hiep. Compilation et Environment d'Execution d'un Langage à Base d'Objects. PhD thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, February 1991.

[higu02] Maria Teresa Higuera, Valerie Issarny, Michel Banatre, Gilbert Cabillic, Jean-Philippe Lesot, and Frederic Parain. Memory management for real-time Java: an efficient solution using hardware support. Real-Time Systems Journal, 2002. Available here.

[higu05] M. Teresa Higuera and Valerie Issarny. Improving the memory management performance of RTSJ. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 17(5-6), 2005. Available here.

[higu04] M. Teresa Higuera-Toledano, Valerie Issarny, Michel Banatre, Gilbert Cabillic, Jean-Philippe Lesot, and Frederic Parain. Memory management for real-time Java: an efficient solution using hardware support. Real-Time Systems Journal, 26(1):63-87, 2004. Available here.

[higu01a] Maria Teresa Higuera Toledano and Valerie Issarny. Analyzing the performance of memory management in RTSJ. In ISORC 2001 [ISORC01], 2001. Available here.

[higu02a] Maria Teresa Higuera Toledano. Solutions à la Gestion Mémoire pour Systèmes Java Temps Réel. PhD thesis, L'Université de Rennes, 2002. Available here.

[higu06a] M. Teresa Higuera-Toledano. Analyzing the memory management semantic and requirements of the Real-Time specification of Java JSR-0000001. In ISORC 2006 [ISORC06], 2006, pages 419-423. Available here.

[higu06] M. Teresa Higuera-Toledano. Towards an analysis of garbage collection techniques for embedded real-time Java systems. In 12th international Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications, pages 97-100. IEEE Press, 2006. Available here.

[higu06b] Maria Teresa Higuera Toledano. The indeterministic behaviour of scoped memory in Real-Time Java. In 4th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA-06), pages 656-664. IEEE Press, 2006. Available here.

[higu07a] Maria Teresa Higuera Toledano. Allowing cycles references among scoped memory areas in the Real-Time Specification for Java. In ISORC 2007 [ISORC07], 2007, pages 110-114. Available here.

[higu07] Maria Teresa Higuera Toledano. Name-based write barriers in real-time Java. In IEEE international Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT-07), pages 781-786. IEEE Press, 2007. Available here.

[higu08] Maria Teresa Higuera Toledano. Allowing cycle references by introducing controlled violations of the assignment rules in real-time Java. In ISORC 2008 [ISORC08], 2008, pages 463-467. Available here.

[higu11] Maria Teresa Higuera Toledano. Using transactional memory to synchronize an adaptive garbage collector in real-time Java. In 14th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing Workshops, pages 152-161, Newport Beach, CA, March 2011. Available here.

[higu14] Maria Teresa Higuera Toledano. Building the Java heap with bricks in an embedded real-time environment. In Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE/ACM 18th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT'14), pages 57-66. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2014. Available here.

[higu03] Maria Teresa Higuera. Memory management design to the concurrent execution of RTSJ applications. In JTRES 2003 [JTRES03], 2003, pages 479-489. Available here.

[hill89] Mark D. Hill and Alan Jay Smith. Evaluating associativity in CPU caches. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 38(12):1612-1629, December 1989.

[hill87] Mark D. Hill. Aspects of Cache Memory and Instruction Buffer Performance. PhD thesis, University of California, Berkeley, November 1987. Also UCB/CSD Technical report 87/381.

[hill88] Mark D. Hill. A case for direct-mapped caches. IEEE Computer, 21(12):25-40, December 1988.

[hind01] Michael Hind. Pointer analysis: Haven't we solved this problem yet?. In PASTE 2001 [PASTE01], 2001, pages 54-61. Available here.

[hind75] J.A. Hinds. An algorithm for locating adjacent storage blocks in the buddy system. Communications of the ACM, 18(4):221-222, April 1975.

[hirs73] D.S. Hirschberg. A class of dynamic memory allocation algorithms. Communications of the ACM, 16(10):615-618, October 1973. Available here.

[hirz01] Martin Hirzel, Amer Diwan, and Antony L. Hosking. On the usefulness of liveness for garbage collection and leak detection. In Knudsen [ECOOP01], 2001. Available here.

[hirz02a] Martin Hirzel, Amer Diwan, and Johannes Henkel. On the usefulness of type and liveness for garbage collection and leak detection. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 24(6):593-624, November 2002.

[hirz02] Martin Hirzel, Johannes Henkel, Amer Diwan, and Michael Hind. Understanding the connectivity of heap objects. In Boehm and Detlefs [ISMM02], 2002, pages 36-49. Available here.

[hirz03] Martin Hirzel, Amer Diwan, and Matthew Hertz. Connectivity-based garbage collection. In OOPSLA 2003 [OOPSLA03], 2003, pages 359-373. Available here.

[hirz03a] Martin Hirzel, Harold N. Gabow, and Amer Diwan. Choosing a set of partitions to collect in a connectivity-based garbage collector. Technical Report CU-CS-958-03, University of Colorado, August 2003. Available here.

[hirz04] Martin Hirzel, Amer Diwan, and Michael Hind. Pointer analysis in the presence of dynamic class loading. In Odersky [ECOOP04], 2004. Available here.

[hirz07a] Martin Hirzel, Daniel von Dincklage, Amer Diwan, and Michael Hind. Fast online pointer analysis. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, April 2007. Available here.

[hirz00] Martin Hirzel and Amer Diwan. On the type accuracy of garbage collection. In Chambers and Hosking [ISMM2000], 2000, pages 1-11. Available here.

[hirz00a] Martin Hirzel. Effectiveness of garbage collection and explicit deallocation. Master's thesis, University of Colorado, 2000. Available here.

[hirz04a] Martin Hirzel. Connectivity-Based Garbage Collection. PhD thesis, University of Colorado at Boulder, July 2004. Available here.

[hirz07] Martin Hirzel. Data layouts for object-oriented programs. In ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, June 2007. This paper plus a 2-page appendix is available as IBM Research Report RC24218, Watson. Available here.

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