by David Powell (LAAS-CNRS, France)
Dependability is defined as the property of a computer system that enables its users to place a justified reliance on the service it delivers. Dependability is a generic concept, generalizing the notions of availability, reliability, integrity, confidentiality, maintainability, safety and security. The aim of current research is to define methods for protecting and assessing systems with respect to a wide spectrum of faults that can be broadly classified in five classes [Avizienis 2001]: physical faults, non-malicious design faults, malicious design faults, non-malicious interaction faults, and malicious interaction faults (intrusions). The methods can be categorized as fault prevention, fault tolerance, fault removal and fault forecasting. Fault prevention and fault removal are sometimes considered together as constituting fault avoidance, as opposed to fault tolerance and fault forecasting, which together constitute fault acceptance.
Fault prevention aims to prevent the occurrence or the introduction of faults. It consists in developing systems in such a way as to prevent the introduction of design and implementation faults, and to prevent faults from occurring during operation. In this context, any general engineering technique aimed at introducing rigor into the design process can be considered as constituting fault prevention. However, some areas currently being researched are more specific to the dependable computing community. One such area is the formal definition of security policies in order to prevent the introduction of vulnerabilities. The definition of a security policy consists in identifying the properties that must be satisfied and the rules that applications and organizations must obey in order to satisfy them. For example, work being carried out in the MP6 project in France is specifically aimed at defining role-based access control policies applicable to information systems in the health and social sectors.
Another area of active research into fault prevention concerns the human factors issues in critical "socio-technical" systems. In particular, research initiated at York University on the allocation of functions between humans and machines [Dearden 2000] has served as the basis of a prototype database tool to assist communication between system designers and human factors experts [Mersiol 2002]. In the UK, the Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration in Dependability of Computer-Based Systems (DIRC) has a strong human factors component.
Fault-tolerance techniques aim to ensure that a system fulfills its function despite faults [Arlat 1999]. Current research is centered on distributed fault-tolerance techniques (including fault-tolerance techniques for embedded systems), wrapping and reflection technologies for facilitating the implementation of fault-tolerance, and the generalization of the tolerance paradigm to include deliberately malicious faults, i.e., intrusion-tolerance.
Distributed fault-tolerance techniques aim to implement redundancy techniques using software, usually through a message-passing paradigm. As such, much of the research in the area is concerned with the definition of distributed algorithms for fault-tolerance. In closed, embedded systems the design of such algorithms may be simplified if it is possible to substantiate the strong assumptions underlying the synchronous system model. Therefore, most current research on fault-tolerance in such systems follows this approach, often using the time-triggered paradigm [Elmenreich 2002] [Powell 1999] [Powell 2001] [Steiner 2002]. Note also that, especially in embedded systems, state-of-the-art fault tolerance techniques cannot ignore that most faults experienced in real systems are transient faults [Bondavalli 2000a].
In many distributed systems, however, especially large-scale systems, it is difficult to substantiate the strong assumptions underlying the synchronous system model, so several teams are defining paradigms able to deal with asynchrony (see, for example, [Mostéfaoui 2001]). One approach being followed at the University of Lisbon is to consider a reliable timing channel for control signals that is separate from the asynchronous channel used to carry payload traffic [Casimiro 2002] [Veríssimo 2002]. An alternative approach is to consider a timed asynchronous model, which involves making assumptions regarding the maximum drift of hardware clocks accessible from non-faulty processes. Using this model, a European-designed fail-safe redundancy management protocol [Essamé 1999] is currently being implemented in the context of the automation of the Carnesie subway line in New York [Powell 2002].
Other areas of active research concerns fault-tolerance in large, complex distributed applications. Of special note in this area are techniques aimed at the coordinated execution of exceptions in environments where multiple concurrent threads of execution act on persistent data [Beder 2001] [Tartanoglu 2002]; fault-tolerance in peer-to-peer systems [Montresor 2002] ; and mechanisms for dealing with errors that arise from architectural mismatches [de Lemos 2002].
The implementation of distributed fault-tolerance techniques is notoriously difficult and error-prone, especially when using off-the-shelf components (COTS) that typically (a) have ill-defined failure modes and (b) offer opaque interfaces that do not allow access to internal data without which fault-tolerance cannot be implemented. There is thus considerable interest in addressing these difficulties using wrapping technologies to improve the robustness of COTS components [Rodriguez 2000] and reflective technologies to allow introspection and intercession [Killijian 2000].
In the mid 1980's, the European dependability community had the (then) outrageous idea that the fault tolerance paradigm could also be extended to address security issues through the notion of intrusion-tolerance [Fraga 1985] [Dobson 1986] [Deswarte 1991]. Such techniques are now receiving a justified revival in interest as it is realized that intrusion prevention (though authentication, authorization, firewalls, etc.), like any other prevention technique, cannot offer absolute guarantees of security. Intrusion-tolerance is being addressed by the European MAFTIA project (see, e.g. [Deswarte 2001] [Correria 2002]) and, in the USA, is now the subject of a complete DARPA program (called OASIS, for Organically Assured & Survivable Information Systems), in which European researchers are also taking an active part through the DIT project.
Fault removal, through verification techniques such as inspection, model-checking, theorem proving and testing, aims to reduce the number or the severity of faults. Current fault removal research within CaberNet is focused on software testing, especially with respect to faults (sometimes referred to as robustness testing), and on testing of fault-tolerance mechanisms (via fault injection).
One approach to software testing that has been investigated in depth at LAAS-CNRS is statistical testing, which is based on the notion of a test quality measured in terms of the coverage of structural or functional criteria. This notion of test quality enables the test criterion to be used to define a statistical test set, i.e., a probability distribution over the input domain, called a test profile, and the number of executions necessary to satisfy the quality objective. Recent research has focused on developing statistical test-sets from UML state diagram desciprions of real-time object-oriented software [Chevalley 2001a] and the assessment of test-sets for object-oriented programs using mutation analysis [Chevalley 2001b].
Robustness testing aims to assess how well a (software) component protects itself against erroneous inputs. Robustness testing, which is the focus of the AS23 project, aims to assess how well a (software) component protects itself against erroneous inputs. One approach for robustness testing that is being studied within the DSoS project is called "property-oriented testing". Here, the determination of test profiles is specifically aimed at verifying safety properties, typically of an embedded control system - heuristic search techniques are used to explore the input space (including both functional and non-functional inputs), attempting to push the system towards a violation of its required safety properties [Abdellatif 2001].
Fault injection can either be used for robustness testing, in the sense defined above, or as a means for testing fault-tolerance mechanisms with respect to the specific inputs of such mechanisms, i.e., the faults they are supposed to tolerate [Buchacker 2001]. In fact, due to the measures of robustness or coverage that this technique allows, fault injection is also often a means of experimental evaluation (see fault forecasting below).
Finally, it is worth mentioning that
some current research is focused on testing the use of the reflective technologies
considered earlier as a means for simplifying the implementation of faul-tolerance
[Ruiz-Garcia 2001].
Fault forecasting is concerned with the estimation of the presence, the creation and the consequences of faults. This is a very active and prolific field of research within the dependability community. Both analytical and experimental evaluation techniques are considered.
Analytical evaluation of system dependability is based on a stochastic model of the system's behavior in the presence of fault and (possibly) repair events [Haverkort 2001]. For realistic systems, two major issues are that of: (a) establishing a faithful and tractable model of the system's behavior [Fota 1999] [Kanoun 1999] [Betous-Almeida 2002] [Haverkort 2002], and (b) analysis procedures that allow the (possibly very large) model to be processed [Bell 2001]. Ideally, the analytical evaluation process should start as early as possible during development in order to make motivated design decisions between alternative approaches (see [Bondavalli 2001] for an example of some recent research in this direction). Specific areas of research in analytical evaluation include: systems with multiple phases of operation [Bondavalli 2000b] [Mura 2001]; and large Internet-based applications requiring a hierarchical modeling approach [Kaâniche 2001].
Experimental evaluation of system
dependability relies on the collection of dependability data on real systems.
The data of relevance concerns the times of or between dependability-relevant
events such as failures and repairs; the data may be collected either during
the test phase (see, e.g., [Littlewood 2000]) or during normal operation (see,
e.g., [Simache 2001]). The observation of the behavior of a system in the presence
of faults can be accelerated by means of fault-injection techniques (see also
fault removal above), which constitute a very popular
subject for recent and ongoing research. Most of this work on fault injection
is based on software-implemented fault injection (SWIFI), for which several
tools have been developed (see, e.g., [Carreira 1998] [Fabre 1999] [Höxer
2002] [Rodriguez 2002]). The data obtained from fault injection experiments
can be processed statistically to characterize the target system's failure behavior
in terms of its failure modes [Marsden 2001] or to assess the effectiveness
of fault-tolerance mechanisms in terms of coverage [Cukier 1999] [Aidemark 2002].
Currently, especially in the context of the DBench
project, there has been research into using fault injection techniques to build
dependability benchmarks for comparing competing systems/solutions on
an equitable basis [Kanoun 2002].
AMSD addresses the need for a
coherent major initiative in FWP6 encompassing various aspects of dependability
(reliability, safety, security, survivability, etc.); education and training;
and means for encouraging and enabling sector-specific IST RTD projects
to use dependability best practice. The results will be an overall dependability
road-map that considers dependability in an adequately holistic way, and
a detailed road-map for dependable embedded systems.
The objective of this project is to design an open architecture for the control of a diesel engine in a benchmark laboratory.
This is a French national project launched by the STIC scientific department of CNRS. It addresses the robustness testing of systems with respect to erroneous or untimely inputs from their environment.
Involves a collaboration between the Universities of York, Newcastle and Loughborough with BAE SYSTEMS. The work at York is targeted at software productivity improvement. This is divided into the following areas:
CAUTION++ (Capacity and Network Management Platform for increased Utilisation of Wireless Systems of Next Generation++)
In the framework of a cooperation with the Motorola Technology Center Italy, dated a couple of years ago, the group started research on dependability in wireless systems. This activity was mainly centered on accurate availability and in general QoS analysis of GPRS systems [Tataranni 2001, Porcarelli 2002a, Porcarelli 2002b]. Now, it is going to continue in the framework of the European project IST-2001-38229 CAUTION++ (Capacity and network management platform for increased utilisation of wireless systems of next generation++), starting on November 2002. The main goal of this project is to design and develop a novel, low cost, flexible, highly efficient and scaleable system able to be utilized by mobile operators to increase the performance of all network segments.
In this project we are interested in the design, verification and implementation of group communication using a modular approach,which is based on implementing properties required by an application as separate protocols, and then combining selected protocols using a software framework.
The DARP builds on two existing research centres which have been extremely successful in technology transfer. BAE SYSTEMS has funded the Dependable Computing Systems Centre (DCSC) at York and Newcastle since 1991. The DCSC focuses on safety-critical real-time systems and has produced important research results. Rolls-Royce has funded the University Technology Centre (UTC) in Systems and Software Engineering since 1993. Thus the aim has been to define research activities which are valuable, complementary to existing programmes, and to ensure synergy so that the results of the DARP programme can be integrated with the other work, to meet the technical and commercial challenges:
This is a European IST project (project IST-2000-25425). DBench aims to define a conceptual framework and an experimental environment for benchmarking the dependability of commercial off-the-shelf components (COTS) and COTS-based systems. It will provide system developers and end-users with means for characterising and evaluating the dependability of a component or a system, identifying malfunctioning or weakest parts, requiring more attention, tuning a particular component to enhance its dependability, and comparing the dependability of alternative or competing solutions.
The DCSC was established in 1991 at the Universities of York and Newcastle. This was the start of a long-term relationship between British Aerospace (as it was then known) and its academic partners. British Aerospace became part of BAE SYSTEMS in December 1999 and the commitment to the relationship continues into the new millennium. The Research centre will achieve its mission by research and by technology transfer into the BAE SYSTEMS operating companies.
The main purpose of the DEAR-COTS project (funded by the Portuguese government - PRAXIS/P/EEI/14187/1998) was the specification of an architecture based on the use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components, able to support distributed computer controlled systems where reliability and timeliness are major requirements. The group's involvement in the project allowed to contribute with studies and protocols for fault-tolerance in CAN networks [Pinho 2001], and to provide a transparent framework for the replication of hard real-time applications [Pinho 2002].
Analytical dependability modeling of Phased Mission Systems (PMS), a class of systems whose operational life consists of a sequence of non-overlapping periods, called phases [Mura 2001]. Because of their deployment in critical applications, the dependability modeling and analysis of PMS is an issue of primary relevance. Our methodology, which exploits the power of the class of Markov regenerative stochastic Petri net models, allows to obtain an analytical solution with a low computational complexity, basically dominated by the cost of the separate analysis of the system inside each phase. This methodology is supported by the tool DEEM [Bondavalli 2000], a dependability modeling and evaluation tool for PMS, currently under development.
The project's goal is to develop a methodology and an architecture to improve dependability for non-safety critical, distributed, embedded automation systems with both IP (inter-site) and dedicated (intra-site) connections.
Survivable systems are known to be resistant to different kinds of problems. Among these are failures due to software or hardware faults, but also attacks caused by computer criminals. The design and implementation of survivable systems therefore requires a variety of different steps to support system analysis and synthesis. In this project, we elaborate a new approach to design survivable systems (in particular computer and communication networks) based on a repeatedly applied analysis of the system to identify various kinds of threats, errors and performance bottlenecks. Our evaluation of a survivable system combines fault-, performance- and security management. In [Benecke 2002] the approach is applied, by way of example, to packet screens as important building blocks of firewalls. Another emphasis of the project is put on the efficient solution of analytical reliability models and their application to communication networks [Heidtmann 2002].
The objective of this project is to design a brake by wire system based on a Time Triggered Architecture and a bridge for a light control subsystem based on CAN network.
The EPSRC-funded collaboration addresses the dependability of computer-based systems. Dependability is a deliberately broad term to encompass many facets including reliability, security and availability. The term "computer-based systems" draws attention to the involvement of human participants in most complex systems. Because of the breadth of this view, the interdisciplinary approach will include sociologists and psychologists as well as computer scientists, statisticians etc. The six-year research funding will enable the collaboration to tackle broad and fundamental problems of creating dependable systems.
The DISCS project tackles basic issues of interest to the users of design diversity: builders of fault-tolerant, safety-critical, software-based systems, their customers and the agencies responsible for the evaluation and licensing of such systems. The practical aim is better understanding to support better decision-making.
In the long run, better means of designing fault-tolerant systems will make these less expensive in production and will lessen the uncertainty about the fitness for purpose of the eventual product. Better means of evaluation will allow us to place greater confidence in the reliability and safety of systems, and thus better control the societal risk of critical systems.The work at CSR at City University has focused on reliability modelling for diverse systems: we have extended previous models in various directions: modelling and assessment of a specific system rather than of an 'average' system, consideration of the fault insertion process and of the effects of project management decisions. The results affect product planning (what reliability gains can be expected from using design diversity), development (what project decisions can best achieve effective diversity) and assessment, acceptance and licensing (how to judge the reliability of a specific diverse system). In addition to the practical support for decision-making about diverse software-based systems, this modelling work improves our understanding of issues of diversity, reliability and common-mode failure in a wider context, with possible practical applications in the many other areas of engineering and organisational studies where these issues arise.
In parallel, CSR at Newcastle have concentrated on structuring methods for diverse design. The DISCS project has also interacted with our DISPO project (with the University of Bristol), supporting the use of diversity for nuclear safety.
Focuses on the use of diversity in nuclear protection, and will improve the practical advice available to the developers and customers of protection systems using diverse redundancy. The objectives of this project are:
This project addresses the problem
of obtaining claimable reliability benefits from the use of diverse software
based systems. The beneficiaries of this research are nuclear regulators
and utility companies.
This project is a follow-up to the successful DISPO project (1997-2000). It builds on many years of successful research on software fault tolerance and diversity at CSR From the viewpoint of safety assessment, we will study the practical application of the mathematical models we have previously produced for assessing failure correlation in diverse systems. From the viewpoint of achieving diversity for safety and reliability, we will advance the understanding of the effects of "diversity-seeking decisions".
The objective of this project is to design a distributed architecture that uses a variation of expert systems called ruled-nets for the control of chemical process systems applied to alcoholic fermentation.
The DIT project is part of the DARPA OASIS program (Organically Assured & Survivable Information Systems). The aim of the project is to develop Internet servers (in particular, Web servers) able to tolerate intrusions (complementarily to accidental faults). The DIT architecture is based on diverse platforms (OS + application software) providing identical contents, under the control of diversified proxies. Error detection mechanisms (content comparison, integrity checks, mutual monitoring by proxies) is completed by EMERALD intrusion detection tools. The redundancy level is automatically adapted according to the current alert level, with graceful performance degradation.
The DOTS project unifies two strands of research in software engineering: design diversity for fault tolerance, and re-use of off-the-shelf software. It builds on previous work on diversity at the Centre for Software Reliability, and in particular on the DISCS project (Diversity In Safety Critical Software). It is motivated by the increasing industrial interest in using off-the-shelf (rather than bespoke) software for building new systems or applications. Its premises are:
- In many applications, the main problem with off-the-shelf components is the difficulty of achieving confidence of sufficient reliability;
- Software fault tolerance (diversity) is a convenient way of increasing system reliability without changing the internals of software modules;
- Software fault-tolerance in the form of modular redundancy with diversity (as in "multiple-version software) becomes affordable and convenient when based on OTS items. This possibility has not been sufficiently studied.
- Some methods for increasing the dependability of COTS-based systems (e.g. depending on wrappers with filtering or monitoring functions) are actually other examples of software fault tolerance, but have not been studied as such, e.g. to guide architectural decisions to achieve better reliability.
The general goal of this project is to support decisions both in the acceptance of a system including OTS items and in its development, i.e. in the choice and combination of OTS items, their interconnection and system-level verification.
This project aims at designing and implementing a tool to support replication in distributed databases using distributed system concepts (group communication technology), and ensuring replica consistency with good performance.
DsoS is a European IST project
(IST-1999-11585) that aims to develop significantly improved means for composing
a dependable "system of systems" from a set of largely autonomous
component computer systems. The project focuses on the design (type, placement,
properties) of the interfaces that form the common boundaries between component
systems, and the associated validation and dependability assessment activities.
The goal of the project is to validate by means of several fault injection techniques the communication controller of a Time triggered architecture.
The objective of this project is to develop a distributed fault tolerant architecture for a mobile robot control. This architecture uses a vision and a wireless subsystem and motion control subsystem interconnected by a fibre optics area network (CAN).
Jgroup is an integration of group technology with distributed objects. Jgroup supports a programming paradigm called object groups that enables development of reliable and highly-available services based on replication.
MAFTIA is a European IST project (IST-1999-11583) aimed at investigating the tolerance paradigm in security. Instead of just aiming to prevent intrusions, the aim is to make the overall system secure and operational, even if some subsystems are successfully attacked.
The objective of this project is to develop a microcontroller and FPGA systems to control a laser system and vision system to take pictures of injection process inside a cylinder in a diesel engine.
MP6 is a project of the French national RNRT research network. The project aims to analyze security requirements for information systems in healthcare and social sectors, and to develop security policies adapted to these requirements, supported by models able to verify certain properties. Authorization and anonymization problems are of particular interest, and two policy examples will be developed for these two cases.
The goal of the project is to build a highly extensible yet simple and easy to use Java framework for constructing and testing reliable distributed algorithms.
This project is concerned with the development of general techniques for obtaining accurate measures and predictions of the reliability of software. It builds on very successful, and novel, research within the Centre for Software Reliability that now allows certain reliability measures to be accompanied by a guarantee of accuracy, and in very general circumstances allows the reliability predictions from models to be improved in the light of their previous errors.
The work here mainly addresses the problems faced by statistically unsophisticated users of these new advanced statistical approaches: it provides means whereby the power of the techniques can be made accessible to industrial reliability engineers and software engineers.
Moreover, the group is currently active in the project PRIDE, funded by the Italian national space agency (ASI), dealing with automatic transformations from system designs in UML to dependability models targeting the most common analysis tools. Also, research on architectural designs and analysis of control systems for embedded real-time applications in the railway field is in progress, inside a cooperation with the most relevant Italian railway company (Ansaldo segnalamento Ferroviarrio).
This is an EPSRC/DERA (now Qinetiq) funded project that also involves Praxis and BAE SYSTEMS. The project is concerned with: formal analysis of Ravenscar programs (Ravenscar is a simple subset of Ada95 tasking features) using Model Checking, and linking formalised subsets of the sequential parts of Ada (such as Spark) with Ravenscar.
RIS is a cooperative academia-industry network managed by LAAS that aims to share past experience and to stimulate joint working groups on themes dealing with dependability engineering of software-intensive systems.
This project is funded by the DTI and features partners from: Stewart Hughes, Smiths Industries, and The University of York. The overall goal of the project is to investigate the applicability of IMA technology, which is defined for large-scale avionics systems, in a small helicopter environment. The specific aims are to: design and prototype a high integrity APEX-compliant operating system kernel which supports temporal and spatial fire-walling using the Ravenscar Profile of Ada 95, and demonstrate the prototype using a mixed language (Ada and C) application containing both safety critical and non-critical components.
Tata Consultancy Services are funding a three year project called PURTA (Precise UML for Real-Time Applications). This project is developing a precise semantic framework for UML that will permit it to be applied to the specification of high integrity real-time systems.
Rolls-Royce established, in October 1993, a University Technology Centre (UTC) in Systems and Software Engineering; Rolls-Royce also fund an associated project known as ASSET. The work is particularly concerned with the production of electronic engine controllers (EECs) for large civil and military aircraft engines. The current work is in the area of requirements analysis, reuse of specifications and designs, timing and schedulability analysis, safety cases and metrics. ASSET is concerned with the rapid, and cost-effective, development of EEC software, and is producing prototype tools to assist such a process.
As in the case of other non-trivial software-based systems, we must assume that failure of safety critical systems is possible, and attempt to discover whether or not, in the case of each system, failure is sufficiently unlikely for the system to be licensed for operational use. There are a number of special features of complex, software-based, safety-critical systems which contribute to the difficulty of assessing their dependability. There is insufficient objective statistical evidence to assure - by testing, or from actual operation of related systems in related environments - that the required level of reliability has been achieved in the case of a new system. For this reason, safety assessors turn to other sources of evidence in an attempt to increase their assurance that such a system is fit for purpose. These other sources might include measurable evidence relating to the quality of the requirements elicitation and design processes, or to the competence of development personnel; as well as the use of more subjective expert assessment of these and other factors. In taking account of much of this evidence, there will not always be scientifically accepted or widely agreed relationships and causal models on which to rely.
This project attempts to investigate the contribution that graphical probability models or "belief networks" might make to these problems. In particular it focuses on:
Cooperation project between three German universities (Aachen, Bonn, Erlangen) and two Dutch universities (Nijmegen, Twente) on modelling and validation of, among others, dependable systems. The project is fincanced by the dutch and german science foundation (NWO and DFG). Applicability also lies in networking and real-time systems.
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[Benecke 2002] C. Benecke. Überlebensfähige Sicherheitskomponenten für Hochgeschwindigkeits-netze -- Entwurf und Realisierung am Beispiel einer Packet Screen. Dissertation, Fachbereich Informatik, Univ. Hamburg. Berichte aus dem Forschungsschwerpunkt Telekommunikation und Rechnernetze, Band 3. B.E. Wolfinger (ed.). Shaker-Verlag. Aachen, Germany. 2002.
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by Rogério de Lemos (
updated 4 November, 2002