ISMM 2002

The 2002 International Symposium on
Memory Management

Berlin, Germany
20-21 June 2002

Sponsored by

Co-located with
PLDI 2002



Call for Papers

Conference Committee

Related web pages

Call for Participation

The International Symposium on Memory Management is a forum for research in management of dynamically allocated memory. Areas of interest include but are not limited to: explicit storage allocation and deallocation; garbage collection algorithms and implementations; compiler analyses to aid memory management; interactions with languages, operating systems, and hardware, especially the memory system; and empirical studies of allocation and referencing behavior in programs that make significant use of dynamic memory.

ISMM 2002 continues the tradition of the successful conference series established with the International Workshops on Memory Management held in 1992 (St. Malo, France) and 1995 (Kinross, Scotland), and the ISMM symposia of 1998 (Vancouver, Canada), and 2000 (Minneapolis, USA). Proceedings of the IWMM conferences are available from Springer-Verlag (Lecture Notes in Computer Science no. 637 and no. 986), while the ISMM 1998 and 2000 proceedings are published by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). The 2002 Symposium Proceedings will also be published by the ACM.


A preliminary version of the program is now available here as PostScript and PDF. The details are still subject to change.

Registration and Hotel

Registration is handled through the PLDI 2002 registration site, which is now available here. (You will be given the option of registering just for ISMM, in spite of the fact that it is labelled as the PLDI registration site.) Early registration fees will be between $320 and $370 ($120 for students) depending on your ACM and SIGPLAN membership status.

The conference will take place in the Crowne Plaza Berlin City Centre Hotel. Hotel and local travel information are now available on the corresponding PLDI page. Please mention both ACM and PLDI when you register for the hotel, even if you are attending just ISMM. It appears that you must register by phone (++49-30-21 007 0, European daytime hours preferred), fax (++49-30-21 32 009, .pdf, .ps form), or email ( in order to take advantage of the PLDI/ISMM room block and rates (156 EUR single, 186 EUR double).

Conference Committee

General Chair Programme Chair
Hans-J. Boehm
Hewlett-Packard Labs
1501 Page Mill Rd. MS 1U-17
Palo Alto, CA 94304-1126
+1 (650) 857-3406; fax: +1 (650) 857-5100 
David Detlefs
Sun Microsystems Labs
One Network Dr. MS UBUR02-311
Burlington, MA 01803-0902
+1 (781) 442-0841; fax: +1 (781) 442-1692 
Steering Committee Programme Committee
Antony Hosking
Purdue U., USA
David Bacon
IBM TJ Watson, USA
Richard Jones
University of Kent at Canterbury, UK
Rick Hudson
Intel, USA
J. Eliot B. Moss
University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA
Kathryn McKinley
UT Austin, USA
Simon Peyton Jones
Microsoft Research, UK
Luc Moreau
University of Southampton, UK
Ben Zorn
Microsoft Research, USA
Erez Petrank
The Technion, Israel
Tony Printezis
University of Glasgow, UK
David Tarditi
Microsoft Research, USA


The paper submission site was available here. The submission deadline has passed.

Call for Papers

The call for papers is also available in PDF and PostScript. Note that submission deadlines have passed.

Related Web Pages

Previous ISMM and IWMM proceedings

Other resources